Wednesday, December 3, 2008

监狱岁月 / Prison

提起监狱,总会首先联想到高高的围墙,荷枪实弹的狱警。其实,监狱里远远不止如此,请你跟随我们的镜头,来到波黑最大的监狱里来看一看。Speaking of the jail, the general meeting first associates the high fence, fully armed and prepared for battle prison guard. Actually, in the jail it's not as worst as you think, let's have a look in the Bosnia-Herzegovina biggest jail.

健身房 Gymnasium

监狱生活也还不算太过枯燥 The jail life has also not calculated extremely aridly

干活肯定是免不了的 Works definitely is unavoidable

难兄难弟苦中作乐 The fellow sufferers try to find pleasure amidst suffering

一身伤痕仿佛想告诉我们他的故事 A body scar wants to tell us the story

这里都是精神上存在问题的犯人 Here is the criminal who in the mental has the problem

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