Monday, October 13, 2008

Damn It, Rich Woman!!!

They requested a poor old man to paid 50 to compensate for the damage of her daughter's jeans! And the poor old man was only had 8.40 in hand! The poor old man cry and kneeled down appeal to them for 10times! And they still shout on the poor old man 'Faster Paid!'

All passerby advice 'it is just a little damage on the jeans, why must so embarrassed on the poor old man?' but they don't care about it and still want the old man to paid although the poor old man was crying, keeled down on them for 10times and hold the only 8.40 in hand that he affort to return to them! How Shameful of this mother & Daughter!

The masses are so angry on this mother & daughter! And a man was given the old man 23 from his pocket to return to the shit mother n daughter! And their still not enough!

After sometime time, they still can't get the money and than called the police, OMG! Such of the shit people! Called the police because of the small damaged on the daughter's jeans! End up the passerby help to collecting the money and paid back to them only they leave!

We are all human, why must them doing this on the old poor man! It is really shameful! Please dispute to all people to let people know how repulsive, disgusting of this couple of Mother & Daughter!















1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah.. these kind of ppl hv to bring them to correction. (dogs eye watch human down) bad behaviour.