Friday, October 24, 2008


Look at this pair of young couple, they want their wedding unconventional, exciting and memorable. So, they'd chosen the most smart way to do it. And I think the bridge & groom will remember it in their whole life.
To me, I'm sorry to my wife, I very "Keng Szi", I love eating, travelling, and my daughter, I don't want waste it. I won't do this stupid bunjee jump in my life, haha...
Well, if you think your life too long, i suggest you logon to this website





新郎新娘互相亲吻 / I Love You Honey

婚礼仪式过后还安排了惊险刺激的蹦极 / You Jump, I Jump

让新婚的喜悦在空中飞扬/ Yahoooooooo........ We're together

永生难忘的一刻 / I wont forget you my darling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

right, bro.. v won't do like this way.. so u think v can take our life to make a joke like that.. sorry lor.